element in the following way: Example. You can also give pretty look to your blockquotes — Just define the blockquotes using the standard
element and bootstrap's style sheet will do the rest. For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature. So you can use them for Bootstrap 4 too BUT glyphicons is not included in bootstrap 4. Bootstrap 4 uses a default font-size of 16px, and its line-height is 1.5. To add this follow the step. Damian Gemza staff commented 3 years ago Inspecting the individual elements makes it appear as if the styles are being applied but I'm just getting plain old default styling. In addition, all

elements have margin-top: 0 and margin-bottom: 1rem (16px by default). Bootstrap 4 Default Settings. Save both in your project directory. Bootstrap template is not working inside my asp.net mvc5. I am using the CDN. The specific bootstrap is sources via npm, version 4.0.0 . Styling Blockquotes. download glyphicons fonts ( you can also collect these form bootstrap 3) download glyphicons css. If you want use this glyphicons fonts then you have to add this in your project. Moreover, for identifying the source you can add a